Teochew-style porridge (we called it “moey” in teochew) is quite different from Cantonese-style congee. The latter is cooked till the grains are extremely soft and disintegrated. Whereas, teochew porridge has less watery effect when compared. When cook, the rice grains are still whole.
Some Teochew “Moey” requisites:
1. Avoid using too much water to cook the rice. Ideally, the rice water should be slightly sticky and cloudy, so that you can still taste the faint sweetness of the starch. If you use too much water, the rice water will be diluted.
2. On the other hand, if you use too little water, the porridge will be very thick and heavy. This is worse than over-diluted rice water. One distinctive feature of eating Teochew porridge is slurping on the hot and comforting rice water. It really quenches your thirst as you eat, and makes your food so much easier to go down.
3. The grains, when cooked, should retain their shape. At the same time, they should be soft, yet yield a faint chewiness to the bite.
4. Teochew porridge is best eaten immediately, and scalding hot. When left to steep for too long.

Teochew Porridge
In the olden days, when one mentioned ’bout teochew porridge, side dishes like pickled lettuce, salted duck egg and salt fish will automatically come to mind. However, as days passed by, businessman tend to “broaden their horizon” and has added a variety of other dishes to go with it. You’ll get what i mean if u visit this Peng Hwa Teochew Porridge shop which is located along Old Klang Road.

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Posted in Chinese Food, KL | 2 Comments »
First time trying the Korean Hotplate Steamboat and it was really superb!! Im not sure whether they have branch in KL but i’ve heard b4 that they have in S’pore.
What really amazed me is the spice they used to marinate the chickens, beef, lamb as well and not to forget their squid. Wide range of food no doubt … the picture taken were just part of the stuff … the remaining is ice kacang (self-service), cendol, ice creams, fried korean snacks … Besides, the sauces they made compliments the bbq meat nicely!!

Hotplate Steamboat
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Posted in Others, Penang | 36 Comments »
If you would like to enjoy a good lunch with a little bit of money in your pocket, Don Sushi is the place to be. My personal favourite lunchtime especially in the beginning and the end of the month where you just feel like splurging a little, it provides a good atmosphere with friendly staff to greet you when you arrive or pay the bills.
Don sushi offers a variety of sushi’s at an affordable price along with various types of udon & ramen dishes as well. The prices may seem a little more dear than the local Sushi King but its value for money. Therefore, their serving portion is slightly larger than the rest. Definately worth the price that you are paying for!
One particular thing I’m really curious is that all the rice dishes here ends with the Don word. Maybe its due to its outlet name. Hm…

Tuna Sushi
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Posted in Japanese, KL | 13 Comments »