J.Co Donuts & Coffee

In the past, when you think of donuts, you think of Dunkin Donuts … Now, if you ask in the street, people will tell you J.Co or Big Apple. These two has become the trend-setting lifestyle in donuts in KL currently. The losing point of DUnkin Donuts is probably the “physical attracts”. J.Co donuts looks more tantalising and appetizing and also the wide range of selections! That’s what I think.
Initially I thought J. Co was an American donuts but it proves me wrong when visited their website. It’s originated from Indonesia has successfully donut craze in KL. They have branches in Pavillion and also Sunway PYramid. You need to be really patience to buy the donuts as the queue is real long. Most of the time, it takes me at least 30 min to reach my turn 🙁 Albeit, the donuts still outweigh the waiting time … It’s worth the wait ! I particularly like the strawberry and Coco Loco flavour. All the donuts are not too sweet and yet it still taste as good as ever even you keep it in the fridge for a week. It’s just best if you can put it in the oven to heat it before you served it again 🙂
I have yet to try Big Apple, but friends say it’s as good as J.Co. What I notice is they have some similarity in the logo itself. What do you think? How is it compared to J.Co ?
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January 17th, 2008 at 9:30 pm
I still think the donuts in both Big Apple and J.Co are way tooooo sweet! But once a while is okay, because i mind the queuing up 😛
I think Big Apple has more choices than J.Co? I didn’t count.
January 22nd, 2008 at 11:51 am
I’ve yet to try Big Apple, but most ppl say it tastes better than J.Co ..
February 6th, 2008 at 12:41 am
Big Apple is less sugar!
The glacier is 100% from the United
States! others types of donuts are 96%
from the United States 😀
but i love JCO donuts the one with almond flakes (cant recall the name)
February 6th, 2008 at 11:07 am
I love the strawberry one in J co more … of course almond flakes also not too bad … Oh yea, the Big Apple is finally open in Midvalley! 🙂
March 25th, 2008 at 10:38 am
Hi there…just saw ur blog accidentally…hehehe..sorry…J Co is like Big Apple…but we dun have J Co here in Kota Kinabalu, the donuts sure look good n delicious tho…hopefully somone open a franchise of J Co here…cheers to u!